Destined for Better

Destined for better

When something you hold 
so close to your heart,
Holds no meaning to others.

A crazy incident from your childhood-
you suddenly recalled,
Made you laugh out very hard 
and you wish to share it very bad!
But there is nobody sittin' idle to hear it..
There is not a soul in this world so vast
whom you may share with.

When a friend puts a pic of yours on status.
Blessing raining down from the heavens.
Caption reading,"A very happy birthday, Dear!"

On that photo,the smile adorning
your face was pretty;
pretty fake.

Sitting on your bench,
looking down,
Scratching letters on desk with marker,

You hear your name.
You look up,
With a faint smile,shine in eyes
 Ask,if you can help.
Just to realise,
It was by a mere mistake.

Tightened your grip on marker,
You didn't let the smile disappear,
This time it was fake.

Your brain recalling
All those times,
You made blunder.
Trying to push away those thoughts
But you just can't help wonder!
"Maybe there is a thing 
I lack in..
That I just can't fit in.!"

But hey! listen,
You just deserve better
For you are destined for something much bigger.


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