Treasures-your old copies

Old copies are like treasures-buried in some dusty corner of home along with stacks of your and your sibling's previous year books,filled drawing books.Previous day newspapers is also deposited here.Its been months since they were last sold to a junk dealer,forming a mini tower.Or are kept in some drawer which is rarely open.
                              Yesterday,in school during lunch break,a junior had asked you if you could lend them 
Your old maths books.You hadn't sold it to the junk dealer thinking you would read it.Dude! You don't read the books in your syllabus,forget about reading that.So you had agreed.

This evening,slouching on your bed,you were aimlessly scrolling through your phone,bored.Without giving much thought, you clicked on a random video on your recommendation.A 28 seconds ad popped up-the one you cannot skip.You waited patiently,recalling a famous saying in your language,"patience bears sweat fruits".And such one more ad appeared.You were done at this point .You stood up from your bed,frustrated,and put your  phone inside a drawer. "I have to give Aditi my maths book",you suddenly remembered.So you went to get the book.

You opened that drawer,It was messy,the books and copies were not arranged.As you were looking for the maths book,your eyes fell on a familiar looking copy.It had your name on the nameplate,Sub-English,Class-3.You picked up that copy and started turning the pages.Your handwriting looked funny,words were above the line and some too below.You felt that was a bit strange as in class 3,you used to think of your writing as neat and beautiful.You sat down on the ground and started going through each page thoroughly.As you were reading the question/answers of different lessons,the stories,the characters became alive."Yes Henry!his parents gifted him a pet sparrow,Chirpie on his birthday, whom he loved very much but when he got new toys,he started spending more time playing with them and started neglecting chirpie.So much so that he forgot to fed it for 3 days,leaving it to to starve.Until his mother fed the dying bird and taught him a lesson and Michael,he was such a mischievous boy! And there was a funny poem too".You could recall the day,your English Sir was telling all these story in the class.
Back in those days,you were not made to write this much! And there was a "very good" written next to Sir's signature.You and your friends used to compete over who has got more "goods", well dones and excellents".Once you had also got an outstanding for getting all words correct in a dictation. You still love dictation tests.You were very happy that day,in home you showed that remark to everybody! Your mother,Siblings,Grandpa.When your father came to home from work,Mumma even showed this to him.He felt proud. Now teachers don't give such remarks anymore.Yes,sometimes a dry "Keep it up" or "you need IMPROVEMENT" on marksheets.

All those moments and incidents-good-bad,funny-hilarious,you sat there reminiscing.You went through more of your copies,some even from kindergarten.You were filled with nostalgia.The back pages were filled with scribble.there were weird looking drawings-one was of Ninja hattori.Ah!"I was such a fan of Ninja hattori",you,criss-cross and how you were trying to write from your left hand-it was terrible.This made you chuckle.

Every copy holded a different memory,story and feelings.Like it was a treasure storing all those mischieves you had done, the chats of you and your bestie because if your open your mouth for talking,the monitor would have eaten you and how can you two keep yourself from not talking,heh?,The records of you playing bingo hiding from teachers.You sat there unlocking the treasure smiling forgetting about that maths book.


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