
Hello! I am not as excited as that exclamation sign after hello makes it look.In fact,I am pretty bored and maybe that's why I am writing right now.Because writing gives me pleasure, something which only 
those can feel who write themselves.I didn't understand why people look so up to writing so much unless I experienced it by myself.As Anne Frank had said,"You never know how good it feels to write unless you try it yourself ".And I can't guarantee if those were the exact words.I don't know how other people quote so much like do they remember that word by word?But whatever I didn't plan to write on "Why witing is the best xyz".
Today,I watched 'Pride and Prejudice' movie.I'll continue reading the novel however.It will be injustice if I dont say a word in it's praise but so many people including my teachers and friends keep doing that.So I'll just say that it has bewitched my soul and body and I love,love,love it.

Btw here are some things about me as I never wrote about myself as like introducing .Also I keep staring at people with blank face whenever I have to introduce myself or talk about my character.
After telling my name and where I study,I just don't know what to say about myself as a person.I never like to write with the intention of posting it.It takes all the joy from it.Because my brain gets more occupied in thinking if what I am writing will make a perfect blog and whether people would like it or not.And that feeling of "what people would like" overrules my authencity.This feeling is going to influence this writing also,I must admit.Btw I am by no means going to edit this or recheck everything .Doing so much effort while knowing nobody is gonna read this is just putting myself on pain.
My mother thinks I use phone a lot but I am proud that atleast I don't watch reels or stalk people on instagram.Watching Youtube or playing chess online is much better.And also I'm reading the novel on the phone only. I can't cook.I wish to learn.On Youtube,I watch stand-up,I just checked my feed.It was filled with a variety of stuff.But you can group all of them under three categories-Funny, intellectual and interesting or surprising which would make you feel,wait,what?! Okay that's it.Bye!


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